Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Wordless Wednesday: Mayport Odyssey
Monday, January 30, 2012
Louisiana Cooking Week #2: Jambalaya
There is an easy way to make Jambalaya and a hard way. The hard way entails getting all your ingredients together then simmering for hours until you get your final product. The easy way is what I'm going to tell you here and following up on last week's article, I don't say this often but here I am presenting a recipe that uses a mix in it. Trust me, I've tried it both ways and after doing it from scratch with 4 different recipes, I finally settled on using the Zatarain's Mix. Now if only I could learn how to play guitar I could play some good Zydeco in honor of Mardi Gras.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Sunday Stealing: The Norman Invasion MEME
Today we ripped off a blogger named Kyogres from the blog Hero of the BlueFlames. It's long so we will do it in parts. It was stolen from Nerdish.But, it was probably stolen there as well. So, of course, that will be as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. Take the time to comment on other player's posts. It's a great way to make new friends! Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!
The Gold Standard
14 hour housewives of 8 hour men need Gold Dust to get them through their work. Man, it's not easy being a housewife. Washing, cooking, laundry all would have been done by hand back then and taken a rather large amount of time to complete. I should know since I lived in the Philippines for 3 years and did my laundry by hand along with helping my wife clean the house. Eventually we hired a maid for the princely sum of $30/month which is what many people back in the early 1900's did as well. It was sign of being solidly middle class when you could afford a maid.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
2 for 1 Recipe Special: Lekvar and Pierogis
As you may or may not know, I am partly Hungarian in my lineage. I pay homage to my Hungarian Ancestry with recipes that celebrate the old world. Usually these are bore of countless hours of searching through old papers to find faded handwritten recipes from my grandparents but sometimes I get an idea from listening to dad. Now one of the staple items in Hungarian cooking is lekvar or prune butter. This is used in a number of cookies and baked goods and tastes wonderful spread on warm toast in the morning. I have always avoided using lekvar though because it is prohibitively expensive to buy in the store, around $5.99 for a small jar. Enter the Hungarian Cookbook, a tome a recipes gathered by the Hungarian Ladies of New Brunswick, NJ in the 1950's. In it there's a recipe for lekvar and once I discovered how simple it was to make I'm sold on using it. Here's the recipe:
Google Pagerank Update
I saw that the blogging world is abuzz lately over the next pagerank update from Google. Personally I never understood the whole pagerank thing or why people fall over themselves trying to force the issue. I'm rather Zen about the whole thing and that pagerank happens when it happens, you have no influence over it besides building backlinks and using SEO tools such as triangle direct media so why pull your hair out over it? At any rate here's the breakdown of the expected 2012 Pagerank Updates:
February 2012 - Between Jan 30th and Feb 15th
June 2012 - - - - Between June 30th and July 15th
October 2012 - Between October 30th and November 15th
December 2012 Between December 30th and January 15th 2013
Please keep in mind these dates are all approximate and are compiled through the use of divination, crystal balls and tarot cards since Google never releases this information. Until then, build your backlinks on quality blogs, sit back, relax and have a drink, everything will fall into place in it's own time.
February 2012 - Between Jan 30th and Feb 15th
June 2012 - - - - Between June 30th and July 15th
October 2012 - Between October 30th and November 15th
December 2012 Between December 30th and January 15th 2013
Please keep in mind these dates are all approximate and are compiled through the use of divination, crystal balls and tarot cards since Google never releases this information. Until then, build your backlinks on quality blogs, sit back, relax and have a drink, everything will fall into place in it's own time.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Wordless Wednesday: Secret Garden
I had done a Wordless Wednesday (my first) back in October showing my garden, here's an update:
Louisiana Cooking: Week #1
I looked at the calendar and I saw that I have 4 weeks until Mardi Gras. I already have a couple of Creole recipes up on the site, Creole Collard Greens and Creole Mustard Greens so I'm going to focus on some main dish meals, namely Jambalaya and Gumbo, and I'll finish it off with my recipe for King Cake. The foundation for any great New Orleans meal is the spices and since many dishes are rice based or served over rice, you'll need some high quality brown rice, I recommend Mathatma brand which despite the Indian name is 100% USA grown rice. Now the other thing, I don't often say this, is that you cannot go wrong with Zatarains Brand rice blends. It has the perfect blend of spices coupled with a high quality rice that makes for a delicious meal. I cannot extol the virtues of this brand enough.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Spa Resorts, The Modern Roman Baths
Any student of Roman History will be well acquainted with the Roman Baths. Places where the citizenry of Roman cities could gather, bathe in hot and cold water and get a massage or work out. These places fell out of use after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, but the idea did not go away entirely and by the 1800's a network of "Spas" had sprung up around Hot Springs all over the world. The best spas were to be found in Europe, especially Germany and Austria-Hungary although the USA could boast some impressive Spas as well such as the one in the ad shown here.
Laissez les Bon Temps Roulez!
Here in North Florida the Christmas season is now a memory and winter is loosening a hold that was never tight to begin with this year. As January slowly slips into February it occurred to me that the Lenten Season is soon to be upon us. But before we enter into the season of personal sacrifice that counts the days before the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, there is Mardi Gras. One last celebration before we descend into seriousness.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Sunday Stealing: Thank God It's Over MEME

Out of Great Emergencies, Art Deco Ads Arise
1944... World War II had been raging for 5 years now, 3 of them with the USA fighting alongside the other United Nations. Rationing, Scrap Metal Drives and Austerity Measures marked a "Home Front" that was dedicated to winning the war. All these were needed to drive the mighty machine of industry so that "Rosie the Riveter", wearing her gloves could place the final welds on the next tank, the next airplane, the next ship needed for the war effort. This ad reminds us how much Aluminum was needed for the war effort. Used in the manufacture of Airplanes it was a coveted resource and the new leader that arose was Reynolds Aluminum Co.
Friday, January 20, 2012
A Saucy Picture
Old ads can be quite creepy sometimes, take this 1912 ad for A-1 Sauce. I think there's a little something more going on between these two but back then it would have been kept in the closet. And what's with the glass the gentleman is holding? Seemingly the scullery maid didn't wash the glassware correctly as he's polishing it up with his napkin and what's he going to do with it, take a shot of A-1? Wow, I can't tell you how reviled I am at the thought of that.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Wordless Wednesday: Gonna Go Back In Time
Breakfast in the Philippines c.2007
Our cat Trevor. I caught this at just the right time.
The slow process of cooking Lechon Manok
A great birthday dinner where we had ▓▓▓▓▓ and ▓▓▓▓. I also made a fantastic ▓▓▓▓ using ▓▓▓ and ▓▓▓▓.
A great birthday dinner where we had ▓▓▓▓▓ and ▓▓▓▓. I also made a fantastic ▓▓▓▓ using ▓▓▓ and ▓▓▓▓.
Do you find all this annoying? If EITHER SOPA or PIPA passes the congress and is signed into law this is the reality of censorship on the Internet. Take a stand NOW or forever lose your freedom of speech on the internet. Go to End Piracy, Not Liberty - Google to learn more.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Hungarian Pot Roast
Quite a a while ago I had bought a nice piece of Rump Roast and it had been sitting in the freezer ever since. I just didn't want to do a typical roast beef with it so I was reluctant to tackle it. I found this recipe in an old cookbook that had belonged to my Hungarian Great Grandmother and while the original recipe calls for it to be cooked in an enameled cast iron pot, I used the crock pot instead. The dish is bursting with flavor and is served with a traditional paprika gravy that has just the right amount of spice.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Sunday Stealing: The Pimple Faced Teenager MEME

My Birthday After Report
I had a great day for my birthday but it was a busy one. First I made a Black Forest Cake for the first (and last) time in my life.
Then I put up a Hungarian Pot Roast. Part of my ancestry is Hungarian and having tired for the moment of the Southern Cooking routine I started gravitating to Hungarian cooking. Dad has an excellent Hungarian cookbook from New Brunswick, NJ dating to the 50's after the refugees came over after the Hungarian Revolution. These recipes are quite true to form and not the "adulterated" type you see on the internet.
After dinner it was time for the cake and Happy Birthday to be sung. I rather enjoyed the fruits of our labor today, especially the cake. It is quite rich and sweet, best taken in smaller slices, however all the flavors meld together most harmoniously.
I will be posting the 2 recipes next week on Tuesday (Black Forest Cake) and Thursday (Hungarian Pot Roast). Until then I bid you a good weekend and GO BRONCOS!
Friday, January 13, 2012
Today is my birthday, I'll betaking a day off from the blog so I can bake a Black Forest Cake and make Hungarian Pot Roast for dinner. Don't worry, I'll post the recipes next week :) Cheers!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Monday, January 9, 2012
Try Spry For Cooking On The Fly
It's time for another Spry Ad! Actually I don't think I ever had one to post before since I have a hard time finding them. I can't really make fun of these ads too much because the Spry Cookbook has been so valuable in instructing me how to cook with shortening. Well that's a great thing since that's what it's original writers intended but for me it's different. Housewives of the 1930's were used to cooking with fats like shortening and lard but after so many years in the grips of the food Nazi's and a health profession that performs "Studies" whored out to the highest bidder we have a nation that is fat shy. Indeed we cringe at the mere thought of cooking with fats like Nosferatu seeing a crucifix.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Sunday Stealing: The Neverending MEME Pt 1

Sunday Stealing: The Never Ending Meme, Part One
Cheers to all of us thieves!
1. Song that always makes you sad?
The Intro music to Watership Down
2. Last thing you bought?
Black Eyed Peas, Hog Jowl and Collard Greens for New Years Day
3. Last person you argued with?
My wife, who else?
4. Do you put butter before putting the peanut butter on?
5. One of your stuffed animals’ names as a kid?
I had a Paddington Bear
6. Did you ever at one time own a Barenaked Ladies CD?
Pictures of bare naked ladies on CD's but never barenaked ladies on CD
7. Favorite day of the week?
Any, they're all the same when your unemployed
8. Favorite sundae topping?
Magic Shell
9. Did you take piano lessons?
Yes, from a Liberace book and I still couldn't even play chopsticks
10. Most frequent song played?
I dunno, I don't have one total favorite, maybe Bellevue by Django Reinhart
11. T.V. show you secretly enjoy?
Spartacus, Blood and Sand.
12. Would you rather play basketball or hockey?
I'm more into Curling
13. Date someone older or younger?
I'm married now so don't date, my wife is 7 years younger though
14. One place you could travel right now?
New Orleans
15. Do you use umbrellas?
Only when it rains
16. Do you know all the words to the Canadian national anthem?
Why would I? I'm an American.
17. Favorite cheese?
Any, as long as they don't stink
18. The Smith’s or The Cure?
19. Do you prefer blondes or brunettes?
20. Best job you ever had?
I worked at a Liquor Store owned by a 70 year old Korean lady. She was a battleaxe but treated us better than any boss I've ever worked for
Colorful Kitchens Bring Joy
As yes, yet another ad detailing how a simple act can bring untold joy to wives and homemakers everywhere. In this case it's through the use of a few cans of Valspar Paint and you can turn your drab kitchen into the envy of the neighborhood. Because you know Mrs Joy is perfect image of 1928 houswives and spends untold hours toiling in the kitchen cooking meals for her family. Before she ran into her school chum she had to spend those hours of drudgery in a perfectly white kitchen which she thought was still height of kitchen design, but sadly she was mistaken. Her friend was quick to point out that white kitchens were so yesterday and colorful ones are the in thing now dearie. Honestly, doesn't Mrs Joy subscribe to Good Housekeeping or Ladies Home Journal? Perhaps Mr. Joy is too much of a skinflint, alas the world will never know.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Bald Noggins Nixed
Over the years there have been many wacky contraptions invented to combat hair loss but this one has to take the cake. I'm not sure if its a salon hair dryer, baldness repairer or the electric chair from Sing-Sing but whatever the case it certainly looks painful. The ad details it as a vacuum hair restorer so I suppose the scientists that invented it felt we all had playdough for hair and to combat baldness one only had to suck out some more with a contraption that looks like a Flash Gordon Thought Amplifier. Yeah that's the ticket, while sucking out those new hair follicles you can pretend to be flying to Arboria and a secret mission in your fight against Emperor Ming.
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Blog Archive
- Wordless Wednesday: Mayport Odyssey
- Louisiana Cooking Week #2: Jambalaya
- Sunday Stealing: The Norman Invasion MEME
- The Gold Standard
- 2 for 1 Recipe Special: Lekvar and Pierogis
- Google Pagerank Update
- Wordless Wednesday: Secret Garden
- Louisiana Cooking: Week #1
- Spa Resorts, The Modern Roman Baths
- Laissez les Bon Temps Roulez!
- Sunday Stealing: Thank God It's Over MEME
- Out of Great Emergencies, Art Deco Ads Arise
- A Saucy Picture
- Wordless Wednesday: Gonna Go Back In Time
- Hungarian Pot Roast
- Sunday Stealing: The Pimple Faced Teenager MEME
- My Birthday After Report
- Birthday
- Wordless Wednesday: Das Boot
- Try Spry For Cooking On The Fly
- Sunday Stealing: The Neverending MEME Pt 1
- Colorful Kitchens Bring Joy
- Bald Noggins Nixed