Showing posts with label Blog News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog News. Show all posts

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Business Cards For the Blog

A short time ago... well not that short, it was December, I took a chance and bought some business cards for the blog from a website that specializes in online business card printing.  I did this because since I started working full time, I have been finding it increasingly hard to find time to cook vintage meals and even worse to write on the blog.  I went the month of January with getting 1 day off a week and that one day soon becomes errand day as all the chores you couldn't get done whilst working pile up to bite you on the bippy on your day off.  Back to the matter at hand, the business cards.  I work at an upscale grocer in the produce department and since we sell a large number of organic items I always get questions from customers about organic.  Also we are encouraged to share recipes with our customers so what better way to do both than through handing out business cards.  Most days I get the chance to hand out 1 or 2 and I can never know if anyone I gave a card to actually visits the blog, but maybe, just maybe, it will help to get the word out and slowly increase my pageviews per day to that 340 a day you need to be considered desirable by advertisers.  Yes, I do this because I love it, but if I make some money off of it that helps to offset the cost of supplies for the vintage recipes.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Belated Birthday Post

Yesterday evening I posted to the blog's Facebook Page that it was the one year anniversary of the Vintage Recipe Blog.  Honestly I've been so busy with "life" lately that I almost forgot about it.  I never cease to be amazed at how far we have some in just one year.  I've been able to post 225 articles that received 238 comments and had 48,000+ pageviews.  This is just the beginning though.  I plan on a re design of the blog in the next week or so (hopefully) and I'm going to expand out the subject matter that I deal with.  Of course I'll still post about the vintage ads and recipes but I want to go more in depth into what it is truly like to live "vintage".  It's gone from an interest to a hobby to almost an experiment.

The experiment part is what intrigues me most.  I had fun following a blog called "365 Days of A" where the guy did an experiment to see if an old Ford Model A car could be used as an everyday driver today.  His ups and downs were entertaining to follow and at the end of the experiment he did indeed prove that the old Model A's could stand up to modern driving conditions.  I've been interested in taking it a step further.  Maybe some of you remember the PBS mini Series "1900 House", well I could do it as an experiment on 1932-33 living, wearing the clothes they would have worn, eating (generally) the food they would have eaten and giving up on modern fripperies like the television.  Of course I have to stay with the internet, but only for the purposes of writing articles for the blog and doing research.  I'm just in the formative stages of such an endeavor, I'd like to hear from you, your thoughts on the matter.  Someone has started calling me "Mr. Vintage" on the Facebook page and I think with this experiment I could truly earn the title.

Monday, October 24, 2011

New Format

I've given it a great deal of thought over the past week and decided on some changes to the blog, certain tweeks to make it more professional.  Starting the coming Saturday the changes will be:

A new weekly format for articles, I have shelving the Blogger's Helpdesk for right now because it just doesn't fit in with the theme of my blog.  Also I will no longer be participating in Sunday Stealing as meme's again are just not a good fit for the blog.  Wednesday however I will continue with last week's trial of Wordless Wednesday.  I can still fit it in with the food theme and it was a good hit with readers.

I apologize to all my Entrecard droppers if I'm not returning the favor as much as I was.  Entrecard has been having constant issues lately and I was getting sick of being frustrated.  I will try my best, within the limitations of time and availability, to return all cards dropped on me.  My blog is also now in the "History" section and is 3rd place, excellent!

Also you will notice at the bottom of posts I now have buttons for Twitter, Stumbleupon and Facebook.  I'll be adding others as well as I just didn't feel the buttons supplied by blogspot were making full use of the social media networks to promote my blog.  We're well on the way to 3,000 pageviews this month (October) which is spectacular for a blog that's only 2 months old.
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