Saturday, September 1, 2012

Refreshing Welch's Grape Juice

Ah 1924, unless you went to a speakeasy you couldn't get beer and wine anymore so what was the younger generation to do for fun?  Drink Welch's grape juice of course!  The savvy hostess, in serving Welch's was "sharing one of Mother Nature's oldest secrets of hospitality."  Funny, I figured that secret was the product derived after the fermentation of grape juice.  Oh well, it was the Prohibition era and advertisers had to be politically correct, even back then.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Captain Obvious Ad Company

Apparently beans are only baked if the label says "baked" on it.  Who knew?  All this time I was shelling out the lettuce to buy cans of garbanzo beans and they're not baked, only canned.  This ad was clearly brought to you by the Captain Obvious Ad Co since I think an old yokel would be able to tell the difference between canned beans and baked beans... but one never knows.  People must have been lining around the corner to  thank Heinz for saving us from those nasty unbaked boiled beans in a can that everyone else was selling.  Apparently baking made all the difference in the final product as it was more "digestible".

Monday, August 20, 2012

Back From Alaska

Salmon Cannery (Nushagak?) c.1935

Well it was a long 3 months while I was away for work but I'm finally back home with my family.  For those of you who are new to my blog, I've been working at a Salmon cannery in Dillingham, Ak for 5 years now as the Head Night Watchman.  It's an interesting job and I get to meet many new people from around the world, until this year that is.  The Government decided to end the J1 visa program which allowed foreign college students to come to the US to work in the Summertime.  This meant we had American college students in their place and as the night watchman I was run ragged with all their drunken boobery. 

So where do we go from here?  Obviously I'm taking some time to be with my family before I immerse myself fully back into the blog.  When I do start writing again I'll go back to the format of vintage ads mon, wed, fri and recipes tue & thu.  Saturdays are freeform and Sundays are my day off to go to church.  I am still amazed at how far this blog has come in less than a year and even more heartwarmed that I still get readers even though the blog went inactive while I was in Alaska.  Thank you all for sticking around, we'll be back with our regularly scheduled programming shortly.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Haluska, Hungarian Cabbage & Egg Noodles

Because of my Hungarian ancestry, I am of course fascinated with Hungarian cuisine.  Real Hungarian cuisine not the bastardized recipes that most Americans are familiar with.  Hungarians, it is said, have more ways to prepare cabbage than any other ethnic group from Eastern Europe and more incredibly, none of those ways involves boiling the cabbage.  Hungarians are strictly against boiled cabbage because it destroys the wonderful flavor and texture of this lowly vegetable.  Most Americans are familiar with the slimy cabbage that is procured on St. Patrick's Day, but a whole new world awaits and you may grow to love cabbage if you give it a try Hungarian style.  Previously I posted my recipe for Hungarian Coleslaw but here we have a hot dish that is light, packed with vitamins and full of great flavor.
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