Monday, November 28, 2011

Log Cabin Saves a Marriage!

Lan sake?  Were they still using such archaic expressions in the late '30's?  Evidently his daddy was addicted to pancakes too.  Perhaps it was Ernest McGroucher from this earlier Pillsbury Ad.  Yes the mania of pancake madness runs in families but here we see how pancakes are just a gateway drug to some thing more sinister, more insidious... Syrup.  Yes, this Aunt Jenny Lookalike (or perhaps it is Aunt Jenny of Spry fame) is here pushing Log Cabin Syrup on unsuspecting family members.  It's all a pyramid scheme you know.  Get people hooked then they buy from you and get others hooked, quite a lucrative business model.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunday Stealing, The Big Guy is Back Meme

Today we ripped off a blogger named Firecat from the blog Party in My Head. He doesn't state where he got it. But, it was probably stolen there as well. So, of course, that will be as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. Take the time to comment on other player's posts. It's a great way to make new friends! Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!

Sunday Stealing: The Bud is Back Meme

Cheers to all of us thieves!

1. Why did you sign up for writing your blog?
        Because I like history
2. Why did you choose your blog's name? What does it mean?
         Ummm... Pretty self explanatory
3. Do you ever had another blog?
        Did you ever had an engrish class?  Yes, way back in the day (1991-1995) I was SysOp of the Ghosts In Gray BBS and from 2007-2008 I ran the Jimmy Buffet Living Blog.
4. What do you do online when you're not on your blog?
        Read the Fedora Lounge Message board
5. How about when you're not on the computer?
         Spend time with family
6. What do you wish people who read your blog knew about you?
        That I have been a student of history for about 30 years now
7. What is your favorite community in the blogosphere?
         Don't participate
8. What is your philosophy on your blog layout?
9. Tell me about your picture you use to represent you on your blog.
         It's from a 1903 postcard of Main St. in the Springfield section of Jacksonville, Fl.
10. Pick 3 random blogs from your blogroll and tell us about them.
          I don't really blogroll, Everyday Fish Phil is my wife's visa journey blog and Kitchen Retro is a blog very much like my own focusing on vintage ads.
11. What features do you think your blog should have that it doesn't currently?
        Followers and Pageviews
12. What do you consider the 10 most "telling" interests that we would infer from what you blog persona?
         Command of the English language
13. Do you have any unique interests that you have never shared before? What are they?
          Yes I hunt fibbets
14. The best thing about blogging is all of the friends that you make, Beside from those folks, do you think your blog has fans?
          I have few followers but few people who comment on a regular basis so no large fanbase just yet
15. What's your current obsession? What about it captures your imagination?
           Dressing like an extra from Boardwalk Empire
16. What are you glad you did but haven't really had a chance to post about?
           I dunno
17. How many people that first became a blog friend, have you met face to face?
18. What don't you talk about here, either because it's too personal or because you don't have the energy?
         If I don't talk about it on the blog why am I going to tell you?
19. What's a question that you'd love to answer?
         How about "What do think sets you apart from everyone else?"
20. Have you ever lost a blogging friendship and regretted it?
21. Have you ever lost a blogging friendship and thought, “Was that overdue!”

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Where's BrSpiritus?

I tell you it has been a crazy last couple of weeks and I realize that I have been away from writing for some time now.  First it was the run up to my wife's flight over here to the USA and I can say she arrived safely.  I spent most of my time with her, helping her to adjust to the the USA and we went out clothes shopping as North Florida Fall is here and her clothes are not warm enough to cope.  I was just enjoying spending time with her for the first time in over 1 1/2 years so, understandably, the blog suffered.

About the time my wife finally was getting settled Thanksgiving arrived, and with it a plethora of cooking including a 12lb Amish raised turkey smoked on the grill and a vintage recipe for Amish Apple-Sausage stuffing.  It was the best Thanksgiving we have had in a long time and I'm so happy my wife was able to share it with us.  Today we will be getting into the overhead in the garage and taking down the boxes of Christmas decorations.  I don't know if we'll get around to decorating today but we'll certainly get through arranging all the decorations and seeing what still works after years of storage.

I will get back to writing on Monday and I apologize for getting away from the blog for so long.  It was never my intention to leave it in the lurch but on the flipside I hope you can understand that family take precedence, especially when you have been apart for so long.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Special Edition: 5 Years of Love

I never ceases to surprise me how fast time moves on.  By the time my wife gets to read this, she will be in the USA after over a year and a half of waiting for her Visa to be approved.  Truly though is the amazing fact that as of today my wife and I have known each other for 5 years now.  We met back in 2006 on MySpace, the now defunct social network that was all the rage back then.  I had a friend of mine who was sharing my apartment at the time and trying to talk me into going to the Philippines.  I guess to spice up the offer he told me to go to MySpace and just look for girls in Cebu which is what I was doing at the time.  I had a few fits and starts with different girls then one day I found this one.  She interested me because there was no town listed where she was from but I saw she had worked in Davao so that was where I assumed she lived.  I had a bad taste in my mouth when it came to Davao, mostly because of the martial law that was in place there a few years back, however I took the chance and sent the friend request anyway.
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