Monday, March 30, 2020

Gluten Free Pork Schitzel and Jager Gravy Recipe

     A week or so before the madness started with COVID-19, I was diagnosed as being celiac.  It certainly answered alot of health questions I have had kicking around in my brain all my life so I immediately cut gluten from my life forever.  It's been a strange transition but I feel better because of making the change.  Needless to say, I have had to make a change to the U Boat recipes that I am doing for this project and this schnitzel is one of them.  I found some chickpea crumbs for breading at Sprouts and I thought that would make an excellent final coating for the schnitzel while keeping it crisp.

U Boat Food Project: Day 8

     Well this first week of this historical project is in the books so to speak.  I shot a video on my youtube channel where I explain my thoughts and feelings after the first week of this menu, you can check it out below.  Today was the last day of fresh milk and cream, from here on out it is evaporated or condensed milk and the recipes will reflect this change.  This will also be the last week of fresh meat.  I had to draw a line somewhere and say they could not have reasonably had fresh meat after this point.  In various anecdotes I have found about food on board U Boats, it was said the men looked forward to sauerbraten day the most but it was bittersweet as it was also the last day they would see fresh meat.  This makes sense as meat lasts about 5 days in the refrigerator before going bad and if you were to load out the ship with frozen beef you could extend it by 3-4 days thawing time but by the 12th day, any beef was getting slimy so you had to hide this with vinegar.  Don't worry though, I'm using fresh beef for the recipe later this week as although I am historically accurate, I don't need to invite disaster while the hospitals are full of sick people.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

U Boat Recipes: Roasted vegetables and Apples

     Sorry for using the same photo for 2 recipes but I wasn't sure if I was going to include the roasted vegetable recipe.  I't been some time since I was writing on this blog and I have to get back into the groove so to speak.  This recipe shows the flexibility of the menu as it is written.  The original document simply said: "Rissoles, mixed vegetables, potatoes, fruit", and I thought to myself, "why can't I just combine them all and make life easier for me?  I am rather happy with the result which is why I decided to share it.

U Boat Recipes: Frikadellen or German Meatballs

     Every country around the world has their own version of meatballs, it's an interesting societal phenomenon that was even mentioned in the old Babylon 5 sci fi series.  The German version is rather easy utilizing ingredients that were readily available on a u boat. 

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